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Cellular respiration essay

Cellular respiration essay

cellular respiration essay

 · Cellular Respiration Essay  Cellular Respiration OVERALL EQUATION: C6H12O6(aq) + 6O2(g) -> 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) 3 OVERALL GOALS: 1. Break bonds between the 6-carbon molecules of glucose – results in 6 CO2 molecules 2 Cellular respiration can be defined as a process of oxidizing fuel molecules such as glucose to carbon dioxide and water. The energy released during this process is held in the ATP molecules for all the energy consuming activities of the cell Download full paperFile,available for editing Cellular respiration is the process of oxidizing food molecules, like glucose, to carbon dioxide and water. The energy released is trapped in the form of ATP for use by all the energy-consuming activities of the cell. The process occurs in two phases: glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid

Cellular Respiration: A Biological Process Example | Graduateway

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, cellular respiration essay. We measured the amount of electrons given off by the succinate to fumerate redox reaction by using DPIP.

DPIP is an electron acceptor that takes the cellular respiration essay of FAD by accepting the electrons and turning from its oxidized blue state to its reduced clear state. We had three tubes with varying concentrations of succinate and measured the transmittance of each over a half hour period to determine whether more succinate led to more DPIP being reduced.

Don't use plagiarized sources. The tube with the least succinate cellular respiration essay in transmittance from The tube with the highest succinate concentration raised from This data supports my hypothesis that an increased amount of succinate will lead to a higher rate of cellular respiration.

The tubes with more succinate gave off more electrons, cellular respiration essay, which reduced more of the DPIP, raising the transmittance. Introduction: Cellular respiration is cellular respiration essay biological process used by most organisms, enabling them to produce ATP in large cellular respiration essay, which can be used to provide energy for cells Campbell, It involves three processes: cellular respiration essay, Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain.

All of these three produce ATP in some way and work ideally under aerobic conditions in the presence of oxygen. It can also function in anaerobic conditions lacking oxygenin a process called fermentation.

However, this is much less effective since it leaves out the greatest producer of ATP, the electron transport chain Campbell, This experiment focuses specifically on one step in the Krebs cycle, a series of eight catalytic reactions Wrischnik, It involves oxidation, the losing of electrons, and reduction, cellular respiration essay gaining of electrons.

It can then transport then electrons to the next step and continue cellular respiration Wrischnik, cellular respiration essay, The question that this lab attempts to answer is how much the concentration of one of cellular respiration essay compounds in the cycle affects cellular respiration essay rate of cellular respiration.

In order to do this, we used one specific part of the cycle, the conversion of succinate to fumerate. This involves the compound succinate giving protons and electrons to FAD and being converted to fumerate as a result Wrischnik, One way to determine the rate of cellular respiration is by measuring the amount of protons and electrons given off by succinate in the cycle.

However, since there is no easy way to measure the amount of FADH2 produced, we used a substance called DPIP di-chlorophenol-indophenol. Oxidized DPIP is a deep blue color, but when it accepts electrons or protons, it turns colorless Wrischnik, When placed in the presence of succinate, it will absorb all of the electrons meant for the electron carriers and become reduced and colorless.

By measuring the absorbance of DPIP with either a high or low succinate concentration, we determined how many electrons were given off, and therefore how much of the reaction was occurring Wrischnik, Cellular respiration essay the amount of light transmitted through the DPIP is low, this means that the DPIP is absorbing a lot of light and the DPIP is fairly oxidized.

In this case the reaction is not taking place in high abundance. On the other hand, if the transmittance is high, then the DPIP is absorbing little light and is in its clear, reduced state. This would mean that a great deal of the reaction is taking place Wrischnik, cellular respiration essay, The solution of DPIP and succinate will take place with a prepared mitochondrial suspension created from pulverized lima beans and added glucose.

This suspension will serve to provide an environment cellular respiration essay which the Krebs cycle can take place as it normally would with glucose available for respiration.

There will also be a buffer added to the solution to ensure that the pH remains relatively constant, preventing the possibility that any enzymes would be denatured, cellular respiration essay.

The main question of this experiment is whether or not a high concentration of succinate will increase the rate of the Krebs cycle. My hypothesis is that an increase in the substrate will result in an increase in the rate of reaction, cellular respiration essay.

If we increase the substrate concentration, then ore DPIP will be reduced, turning the solution clear and increasing the transmittance. We then set the wavelength to nm, the wavelength at which DPIP absorbs light. After labeling four different cuvettes B, 1, 2, 3 cellular respiration essay to each trial, we prepared the blank B cellular respiration essay. Using a micropipette, we measured 4.

Before placing the cuvette in the spectrophotometer, we wiped down the sides and aligned the mark on the cuvette with the line on the holder to ensure that the reading came from the clear side cellular respiration essay the cuvette.

This ensured that our experimental samples were only showing readings for the light absorbed by the DPIP and not by the mitochondrial suspension as well. Tube 1 consisted of 4. This served as a control because there cellular respiration essay no succinate to give off electrons and reduce the DPIP. Tube 2 consisted of 4. This was the trial with a low concentration of substrate. Tube 3 had 4. This final tube was used to notice the effect of increased substrate on the amount of electrons given off, or the amount of DPIP reduced.

We also made sure to add succinate to each tube last, so that the succinate to fumerate reaction would not occur before the DPIP was there to accept the electrons. Immediately after creating each cuvette, we covered it in parafilm to minimize contamination and placed it directly in the spectrophotometer to get an accurate reading.

We recorded the absorbance of cuvettes 1, 2, and 3 every 5 minutes for the next thirty minutes and cellular respiration essay the absorbances in a table. We also made sure to properly mix the contents of the cuvettes thoroughly before getting a reading in order to best distribute the DPIP throughout the solution.

Results: Transmittance of Experimental Cuvettes 1, 2, and 3 TABLE 1: Time Cuvette 1 Group 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 Caption: Cuvette 2 contains 4. Purpose is an experimental sample with low concentration of succinate. TABLE 3: Time Cuvette 3 Group 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 The three cuvettes each represent a different amount of succinate, cellular respiration essay, which will affect how much DPIP is reduced.

In cuvette 1 with no succinate, the transmittance level raised from In cuvette 2, with 0. In cuvette 3, with 0. The graph Figure 1on the following page, shows the trend in transmittance over time for each different solution, based on three sets of data for each cuvette.

The time is the independent variable and the transmittance is the dependent variable. Caption: This graph displays the trends and the line of best fit slope equations Discussion: The original question that my research attempted to answer was whether an increase in succinate, a substance present in the Krebs cycle, cellular respiration essay, would accelerate the rate of cellular respiration.

I hypothesized that an increase in succinate concentration would lead to an cellular respiration essay in the amount of the reaction taking place, and I predicted that if the quantity of succinate is increased, then the amount of amount of DPIP reduced would also increase, cellular respiration essay. Based on the evidence collected, it is fair to conclude that an increased amount of succinate does cellular respiration essay fact lead to a faster rate of cellular respiration essay respiration.

Since DPIP turns colorless when it accepts electrons and is reduced, less light will be bouncing off of the blue pigment in it, and instead will be transmitted through. Therefore, the tubes with the highest transmittance have the most DPIP being reduced during the conversion of succinate to fumerate.

Table 3 shows the tubes with the highest concentration of succinate went up the largest amount in percent transmittance. On cellular respiration essay other hand, Table 1 shows that a solution with no succinate, and therefore no reaction, increases very little.

As expected Table 2 shows that a solution with a low succinate concentration has a transmittance in between the two extremes. The data supports my hypothesis because the transmittance increase for tube 1 is 1. This shows that the tubes with more succinate became clearer than those with less. The trend lines in Figure 1 also support this fact, showing the steepest upward slope for tube 3, followed by tube 2 and then tube 1.

The graph also shows that the first few readings contain the most significant jump in transmittance. This is because the concentration of succinate is highest, and it is being converted in abundance until it begins to become scarce, providing fewer electrons for DPIP to become reduced. In this experiment, the amount of electrons produced was used as an indicator of cellular respiration rate, and the reduction of DPIP was used as a tool to measure this indicator. Based on this, the data collected definitely supports my hypothesis that the succinate increase leads to more cellular respiration taking place.

My prediction was also supported because raising the succinate concentration did indeed lead to the transmittance raising. While the experiment was effective in producing the results that I expected, cellular respiration essay, errors were made and there was room for improvement. One possible source cellular respiration essay error is differing times in between adding the succinate and measuring the transmittance between trials.

However, this was not possible and the times between adding the succinate and taking the first reading differed among trials. The effect of this is simply that some reactions will have started before others, cellular respiration essay, and some may be farther along when the first and subsequent readings are taken.

Another possible source of error is insufficient mixing of the tubes before transmittance readings. Not mixing the tubes properly may allow some of the important elements of the substance to settle at the bottom, giving the tube an inaccurate reading. Improvements on the experiment include more trials for each tube. An increase in trials would enhance the reliability and credibility of the data. Another possible improvement would be to include more succinate concentrations.

While, this would require more work, having more tubes with higher concentrations of succinate could only further help support the conclusions being made. Further research that could be done on a similar topic would be to analyze the effect of temperature or pH on the rate of cellular respiration. While a different method than the one used in this experiment would need to be used, cellular respiration essay, there is a lot of potential for discovering more about what affects cellular respiration.

Examining the rates of cellular respiration is important, mainly because it plays such an important role in our lives and there are so many factors that can influence it. For example, a study by Geeraerts and Vigue studied the effects of temperature on cellular respiration in the brain. Traumatic brain injury in people can sometimes lead to exceeding brain temperature, which can later lead to cerebral dysfunction Geeraerts and Vigue, By analyzing how cellular respiration is affected by different factors can go a long way towards helping people and solving a lot of unanswered questions.

My conclusions from this experiment are that the rate of cellular respiration is increased with higher levels of succinate. Literature Cited: Campbell, N. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. Geeraerts, T. Cellular metabolism, temperature and brain injury. Morgan, J. Symbiosis: the pearson custom library for the biological sciences, cellular respiration essay.

Cellular Respiration (UPDATED)

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Cellular respiration | Science essays | Free Essay Examples for Students

cellular respiration essay

Cellular Respiration: A Biological Process Example Cellular respiration can be defined as a process of oxidizing fuel molecules such as glucose to carbon dioxide and water. The energy released during this process is held in the ATP molecules for all the energy consuming activities of the cell Download full paperFile,available for editing  · (Reece, et al., ) This essay will detail cellular respiration and photosynthesis focussing on oxidative and substrate-level phosphorylation and chemiosmosis processes. Cellular respiration is the process during which glucose is broken down to provide energy to blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

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