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Essay about learning

Essay about learning

essay about learning

May 17,  · The necessity of Learning English Essay or composition- suitable for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, JSC, 9, 10, SSC, 11, 12, HSC. Essay on The Importance of Learning English The Importance of Learning English Essay Composition: We know that English is a global language. For lots of reasons, English has got the status of International blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Mar 10,  · Essay # 3. Advantages of E-Learning: E-learning has several benefits as follows: (i) Flexible, On-Demand Learning: The biggest advantage of e-learning is access to on-demand courses. Many a time one requires access to certain learning material. E-learning provides an abundance of such material (for enhancing both hard domain skills and soft Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Mar 19,  · Essay on E-Learning E-learning is a training that takes place through a network, /usually over the internet or a company’s or an institution’s intranet. It has its roots in the world of computer based training. Earlier, it was a concept in place to impart training to mostly technical blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Essay on E-Learning Learning Made Simple and Enjoyable

This page of the essay about learning has words. Download the full version above. Learning is defined as the permanent change in essay about learning mind, voluntary or involuntary. It is learning that takes place intentional or unwillingly in individuals. Cognitive psychologist defines learning as the essay about learning in knowledge that can be an internal mental activity that cannot be observed directly. Learning involves obtaining and modifying knowledge, skills, strategies, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to understand old or new information, essay about learning.

Individuals learn skills from experiences that tend to take the form of social interactions, linguistic or motor skills. One may ask how does learning happen? Learning can occur through interacting with others, essay about learning, observing or simply as just listening to a conversation. Learning happens through experiences good and bad, essay about learning, or ones that can provoke an emotional response or simply offer a moment of revelation.

Behaviorist and cognitive theorist believed that learning can be affected by the environment an individual resides but behaviorist focused more on the role of the environment and how the stimuli is presented and arrange and the responses reinforced. Cognitive theorist on the other hand agrees essay about learning behaviorist but tend to focus more on the learners abilities, beliefs, values and attitudes. They believe that learning occurs by consolidation which is the forming and strengthening of neural connections which include the factors organization, rehearsal, elaboration and emotional.

Learning theories are considered theoretical frameworks in describing how information is contain, refined and maintain during learning. Learning is an important activity in the lives of individuals; it is the core of our educational process, even though learning begins out of the classroom, essay about learning. For many years psychologist sought to understand what is learning, the nature of it, how is it transpired and how individuals influence learning in others through teaching and similar endeavors.

Learning theories tend to be based on scientific evidence and more valid than personal opinions or experiences. Behavioral Theory The behavioral approach is the behavior view that generally assumes that the outcome of learning is the change in behavior and emphasizes the effects of internal events on an individual. In the behaviorist approach, they believed that individuals have no free will, and that the environment an individual is place in determines their behavior.

They believe that individuals are born with a clean slate and that behaviors can be learned from the environment, essay about learning. The learning theories from the behaviorists Pavlov, Guthrie and Thorndike have historical importance on learning. Although they may differ each theory has its own process of forming associations between stimuli and responses. Thorndike believed that responses to stimuli are strengthening when it is followed essay about learning a satisfying consequence.

Guthrie reasoned that the relation between stimulus and responses is established through pairing. Pavlov, essay about learning, who developed the classical conditioning, demonstrated how stimuli can be conditioned to obtain certain responses while being paired with another stimulus.

The behavior theory is expressed in conditioning theories that explains learning in the terms of environmental events but is not the only conditioning theory. Skinner developed the Operant conditioning; this form of conditioning is based on the assumptions that the features of the environment serves as cues for responding. He believed that we learn to behave in certain ways as we operate on the environment. In operant conditioning reinforcement strengthens the responses and increases the likelihood of the occurring when the stimuli are present.

The operant conditioning is a three-term contingency that involves the antecedent stimulusthe behavior response and the consequences.

Operant conditioning involves consequences which can determine how individuals respond to environmental cues. Consequences can be either good or bad for individuals, it can reinforce behavior that increases it or a reinforcement that decreases behavior.

There are other operant conditioners such as generalization, discrimination, essay about learning, primary and secondary reinforcements, reinforcement schedules and the premack principle.

Shaping is another form of operant conditioning, it is the process used to alter behavior in individuals. Shaping is the successive approximations which involves the reinforcing progress. It is the complex behaviors that are formed by the linking of simple behaviors in the three-term contingencies. This operant conditioning involves self-regulation which is the process of obtaining an individual stimulus and reinforcement control of themselves.

Cognitive Theory The cognitive theory focuses on the inner activities of the mind. The cognitive theory states that knowledge is learned and the changes in knowledge make the changes in behavior possible. Both the behavioral and cognitive theory believe that reinforcement is important in learning but for different reasons. The behaviorist suggests that reinforcement strengthens responses but cognitive suggest that reinforcement is a source of feedback about what is likely to happen if behaviors are repeated or changed.

The cognitive approach suggests an important element in the learning process is the knowledge an individual has towards a situation.

Cognitive theorist believe that they information we already know determines what we will perceive, learn, essay about learning and forget, essay about learning.

There are three main theorist of the cognitive development Gestalt, Kohler and Koffka. Gestalt learning theory approach proposes that learning consists of grasping of a structural whole and not just a mechanistic response to a stimulus. The main concept of his theory was that when we process sensory stimuli we are aware of the configuration or the overall pattern which is the whole.

This theory could happen without any reinforcement and there will be no need for review, training or investigations. Koffka theory suggested that he supported the fact that animals are can be participants in learning because they are similar to humans in many ways.

He believed that there was no such thing essay about learning meaningless learning, and that the idea interdependent of facts was more important than knowing many individual facts. The Sociocultural theory is known as the combining theory in psychology because it discussed the important contributions society makes on an individual development and cognitive views of Piaget. The theory suggested that learning occurs between the interactions of people.

Vygotsky believed that Parents, Caregivers, Peers and culture played an important in the development of a high order function. In the social cultural theory tends to focus not only on how adults or peers influence learning but how an individual culture can impact how learning takes place. According to Vygotsky children are born with the basic constraints on their mind. Theses adaptation allows children to use their basic mental ability to adapt to their culture for example a culture may utilized tools to emphasize on memorization strategies.

Vygotsky was a brilliant man, he worked along with Piaget in developing the cognitive theory their theories differ in certain ways, essay about learning. Firstly Piaget theory was basically based on how children interactions and explorations influenced development, Vygotsky placed greater emphasis on the social factors that influence development. Another difference is the Vygotsky essay about learning that cognitive development can be different between cultures while Piaget theory suggested the development in universal.

There is one important concept in the sociocultural theory known as the zone of proximal, essay about learning. The Zone of proximal is considered to be the level of independent problem solving and a level of potential development, through problem solving under the guidance of an adult or with peers.

It includes the skills that a person cannot understand or perform on their own yet, but is capable of learning with guidance. Constructivism Theory The constructivism learning theory is defined as how learners or individuals construct knowledge from pervious experiences. Constructivism is often associated with a pedagogic approach that essay about learning promote learning or learning by doing. Constructing is known as the meaning for learning because constructivism focuses on the individual thinking about learning.

The constructivist theory argues that individuals can generate knowledge from interactions between experiences and ideas. Constructivism examined the interactions between individuals from infancy to adulthood to try to comprehend how learning is done from experiences and behavior essay about learning. The constructivist theory is attributed to Jean Piaget who articulated the mechanisms by stating that knowledge is internalized by learners.

Piaget stated that through the processes of adaptation the accommodation and assimilation, individuals can construct new knowledge from past experiences.

Accommodation can be understood when failure leads to learning, essay about learning, as humans if essay about learning have an idea that the world works only one way and that way fails us then we will fail. In accommodation we learn from our failure or the failures of others. The constructivism theory describes how learning happens whether the individuals learn from using their experiences to understand information or by just following instructions to construct something.

In both cases constructivism suggest that learner construct knowledge from experiences. The constructivism theory tends to be associated with active learning because5 individuals learn from experiences, something that was already did, essay about learning. Several cognitive psychologists argued that constructivist theories are misleading or can contradict findings. As an educator I can facilitate learning by encouraging my students, helping them to develop to their fullest potential.

As an educator I am compelled to vie and asses learning styles so that I can meet every student needs within the classroom. As an educator I want to be able to allow students to learn gradually.

I would want my students to thrive academically and socially in and out of the classroom. From my understanding the four learning theories discussed in the paper all contribute to my understanding of learning.

Despite all the different theories each theory gave me a new insight on learning occurs in and out of a class, college or university. From Behaviorist perspective view of learning is the change in behavior and emphasis of essay about learning events on an individual, essay about learning. For example Pavlov experiment in classical conditioning, where he taught dogs to salivate when they hear the tuning of a fork, essay about learning.

If we used both conditioning theories with the classrooms can train students to behave and operant in the way they would want them to. The theory that can be used in Music is the Behaviorist theory, I say this because music is the incorporating of knowledge and feeling. Music sets the atmosphere for an environment for example if a relaxing song is being played at home, that song puts the individual in a relaxing moodin the behaviorist essay about learning the environment influences the response of an individual so the relaxing song will evoke a relaxed response as done in Pavlov essay about learning of classical conditioning with the dogs that provoke salivating when hearing the tuning of a fork.

In music classical conditioning is where students can be conditioned to like or enjoy a piece of music. There response to the song might be in the way of moving their bodies, tapping their feet or nodding their head, essay about learning.

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Essay on E-Learning: Meaning, Uses and Advantages

essay about learning

Learning is to obtain new knowledge that will have a tremendous impact on our well-being. It is important to learn new skills and techniques as learning allows an individual to be able to have an intelligent conversation with other people Mar 19,  · Essay on E-Learning E-learning is a training that takes place through a network, /usually over the internet or a company’s or an institution’s intranet. It has its roots in the world of computer based training. Earlier, it was a concept in place to impart training to mostly technical blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Mar 10,  · Essay # 3. Advantages of E-Learning: E-learning has several benefits as follows: (i) Flexible, On-Demand Learning: The biggest advantage of e-learning is access to on-demand courses. Many a time one requires access to certain learning material. E-learning provides an abundance of such material (for enhancing both hard domain skills and soft Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

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