Sep 09, · The Wildlife Conservation Essay is an insight into the requirements of conserving wildlife globally. Deforestation. Deforestation is also a major cause of wildlife loss. Mass murders of wild animals are taking place all over the globe for their meat, bones, fur, teeth, hair, skin, etc. The need for conservation of wildlife has now become a blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Feb 01, · Introduction to wildlife conservation essay: – Wildlife constitutes the animals, birds, insects etc. that are found in their natural habitat. Wildlife is considered an important part of this universe. But endangered by hunting and encroachments on their natural habitat, many species of wildlife are on the verge of blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Jan 28, · Some steps in the direction of wildlife conservation could be as follows: (i) To survey and collect all the information about wildlife, especially, their number and growth. (ii) To protect habitat by protecting forests. (iii) To delimit the areas of their natural blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
Short and Long Essay on Wildlife Conservation for Students
Essay on Wildlife Conservation in India: — Wildlife is an important part of the environment. In recent time we have got plenty of emails to write an essay on conservation of wildlife. So we have decided to write a number of essay essay on wildlife conservation wildlife conservation. These essays can also be used to prepare wildlife conservation articles as well.
Image Credit: — Google Image. Wildlife conservation means the practice of protecting wildlife; wild plants, animals etc. The main aims of wildlife conservation in India are to protect our wild animals, plants for the future generation. Wildlife is a part of nature that maintain the balance in the ecosystem. In order to live a peaceful life on this earth, we need to protect the wildlife too.
Some people are seen harming the wildlife for their personal benefit. There are lots of wildlife conservation laws in India but still, our wildlife is not safe. Wildlife conservation means the act of protecting the wildlife.
On this earth, the wildlife is equally important like human beings. But unfortunately, the wildlife on this earth is always in danger as we, the human being are destroying it regularly only to fulfill our personal needs. Many animals are on the verge of extinction due to the irresponsibility of man. Trees are vanishing from the earth daily. As a result of that, the ecosystem and the balance of nature is deteriorating.
In India, the growth of population has caused a lot of damage to the wildlife. Though we have wildlife conservation laws in the country it has not reduced essay on wildlife conservation destruction of wildlife as expected. People need to feel the importance of wildlife and try to protect it from being destroyed. The wildlife refers to the animals, insects, birds etc, essay on wildlife conservation.
living in the forests. There is an importance of wildlife as it maintains the balance on earth. Wildlife also helps in the promotion of various economic activities that generate revenue from tourism. But unfortunately, the wildlife in India is not safe. From the ancient time, people are destroying wildlife to fulfill their own needs. In govt. of India introduced a wildlife protection act to protect the wildlife from the cruel clutch of men. The wildlife conservation laws have reduced the destruction of wildlife, but still, wildlife is not completely safe.
There are different causes of the destruction of wildlife. The main cause is the rapid growth in population. On this earth, the human population is growing very rapidly and human being is occupying forest areas gradually. As a result of that, essay on wildlife conservation, the wildlife is vanishing from the earth, essay on wildlife conservation.
So in order to protect the wildlife from being vanished, essay on wildlife conservation, the growth of population needs to be controlled at first. But, due to some human activities like mass killing of essay on wildlife conservation animals for their teeth, bones, fur, skin etc along with population growth and expansion of agriculture field reduces the number of wild animals and many species of wild animals have become extinct.
Wildlife conservation is a process of protecting all the wild plant and animal species with their habitat. As we know, every living creature in this earth contribute to the ecosystem in their own special way, wildlife conservation has become one of the most important tasks for mankind.
Hunting of wild animals and capturing of wildlife must be banned by the government by imposing strict laws in order to succeed in Wildlife Conservation. Moreover, restrictions on importing and exporting of wildlife products must be banned to get a faster result in wildlife conservation. Introduction to wildlife conservation essay: — Wildlife constitutes the animals, birds, insects etc. that are found in their natural habitat. Wildlife is considered an important part of this universe.
But endangered by hunting and encroachments on their natural habitat, many species of wildlife are on the verge of extinction. Thus there is a need for the conservation of wildlife. Importance of wildlife: — God has created different creatures on this earth. Each and every creature perform their role to maintain the ecosystem on the earth. Our wildlife also plays a vital role in this process.
We can understand the importance of wildlife when we look at the trees. The trees release a sufficient amount of oxygen to the environment so that we can get oxygen in the air to breath in, essay on wildlife conservation. The birds maintain the balance in the growth of the population of insects.
So the importance of wildlife needs to be felt and we should try to protect wildlife. How to protect wildlife: — We have discussed a lot on the protection of wildlife.
Secondly, essay on wildlife conservation, we have the wildlife conservation laws in India, but these wildlife conservation laws need to be forced strictly to safeguard the wildlife. Thirdly, superstition in our society is another cause of wildlife destruction. Removal of superstition from the society is required for the conservation of wildlife. Again national parks, reserve forests, wildlife sanctuary can be set up to protect wildlife.
Besides the govt. laws, essay on wildlife conservation, both govt. and non-govt. organizations should take strict steps for the conservation of wildlife.
Essay on wildlife conservation with the govt. efforts, awareness, and cooperation of people are needed for the conservation of wildlife in India.
People need to know the importance of these valuable natural resources. Wildlife is an integral part of our national heritage. Thus we should protect wildlife for our future generation. Introduction to wildlife conservation Essay: — Wildlife is a wonderful creation of God, essay on wildlife conservation.
God has not created the universe only for the human being. On this earth we find from the huge whale to the smallest fries, in the forest, we can find the majestic oak to the tiniest grass. All are created in a very balanced way by God. Thus conservation of wildlife is necessary to maintain the balance of mother earth. Collectively the wild animals, the native fauna and flora of a reason can be called wildlife. Wildlife is found in all ecosystem, essay on wildlife conservation.
In other words, we can also say that the animals and plants that grow in a natural condition are called wildlife. What essay on wildlife conservation wildlife conservation: — Wildlife conservation refers to the act of protecting wildlife from being destroyed. The condition of wildlife on this earth is deteriorating on daily basis, essay on wildlife conservation. Time has arrived to conserve the wildlife from the cruel clutch of man.
The human being is the main destroyer of the wildlife. For example, the one-horned rhinos of Assam are on the verge of extinction as poachers are killing it daily for their own benefit.
Importance of wildlife conservation: — It essay on wildlife conservation not necessary to describe a lot about the importance of wildlife conservation. We essay on wildlife conservation not allow the wildlife or a part of wildlife to vanish from this earth. We all know that nature maintains a balance of its own and every creature on this earth perform their duty to assist nature to maintain the natural balance.
For example, trees not only provide oxygen to us but also maintain the climatic condition of a region. It also performs their duty in reducing global warming on this earth. Again the birds control the population of insects in the ecosystem. That is why the conservation of wildlife is important to maintain the balance of our ecosystem. If we ignore the importance of wildlife and causing harm to it on regular basis, there will be a reverse effect on us too.
Important methods for conservation of wildlife in India: — Different types of wildlife conservation methods can be applied to protect the wildlife. Some important methods for wildlife conservation in India are as follows: —. Conclusion to wildlife conservation essay: — Wildlife is an important part of mother earth. It is almost impossible to imagine the earth without the wildlife. So the beautiful wildlife needs to be protected from being destroyed.
It plays an important role in maintaining a healthy ecological balance in the earth. It also provides stability to different processes of nature. What is wildlife conservation — Wildlife Conservation is a well-planned way to protect the wild animal species and their habitats and plants. Every species in this world needs food, water, shelter and most importantly opportunities to reproduce. Habitat destruction by human activity is the primary threat to the species.
Forests are the habitat for wildlife and for the smooth functioning of biological cycles of the earth; we must conserve forests along with Animal Species.
Today, protecting wildlife has become as one of the most important tasks for mankind, because, animals and plants are the major part of a wider natural environment that provides food, shelter, and water for other wildlife and people. Wildlife conservation is important for maintaining a healthy ecological balance among all the living creatures.
What is Wildlife Conservation and Why does it Matter to You? (2020)
, time: 3:39Essay on Wildlife Conservation for Students in English

Wildlife Conservation Essay Words 9 Pages They are responsible for cleaning the air most living creatures breath, they give humans and animals material to build homes and buildings with, they help keep the dirt in place, and, among many other uses, they gave humans the material that people use every day, paper Sep 09, · The Wildlife Conservation Essay is an insight into the requirements of conserving wildlife globally. Deforestation. Deforestation is also a major cause of wildlife loss. Mass murders of wild animals are taking place all over the globe for their meat, bones, fur, teeth, hair, skin, etc. The need for conservation of wildlife has now become a blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Oct 10, · Essay 3 ( Words) - Wildlife Conservation: Factors, Types, Importance and Projects. Introduction. Wildlife conservation is the phenomenon of protection and management of wildlife facing the danger of extinction. Wildlife is an important feature of our ecology. They are the animals or plants which are the supporting systems of our blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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